01.2804626 - 7 Northumberland Avenue, Dun Laoghaire, Dublin, Ireland

General Liability Insurance

General Liability Insurance

The most important insurance product any business can have is public liability insurance. There are all kinds of situations that could arise where you run the risk of getting sued, and that’s almost always expensive even when you’re not at fault. The exception is when you have insurance cover to protect you from the disruptions and expense associated with these lawsuits.

To help protect your business, Maher & Richardson Ltd can provide small, medium and large businesses with public liability insurance as a standalone policy or it can be purchased together with a range of business covers including employers liability insurance


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What does a Public Liability insurance policy cover me against?
  • Injury or Illness claims from Third Parties
  • Costs of defending a Third Party claim
  • Legal costs and resultant financial loss
  • Property Damage claims from Third Parties
  • Compensation awards made to Third Parties
  • All Risks cover for tools can be added
Why have Public Liability insurance?

There are all kinds of situations where potential litigation could arise against you. You could be visiting your client, your client could be visiting you, or simply a member of the public could somehow do themselves a mischief outside your property. It has even been known for burglars to sue their victims if they somehow injure themselves while on the job. The point is, you never really know if, when, or how these problems will arise, until they do.

And when they do, you don’t want to be lacking coverage. The rise of easy access to “no win, no fee” legal services means there is more chance of being sued, and sensationalist articles in the media provide incentive for people to sue.

Even when you’ve done nothing wrong and the case against you is imaginary, the disruption to your business, damage to your reputation, and cost of defending the claim can be very damaging. If the court actually does rule against you, the financial impact could well put you out of business completely.

How Public Liability Insurance protects you and your business:
  • Covers you when you have to pay compensation to anyone for anything when your business is found to be at fault
  • Pays out legal fees spent in defending a claim and any resultant financial loss

Contact us now – call (01) 2804626 or complete our contact form